Metal wire mesh
according to any parameters
from the manufacturer
mon-fri: 9:00 — 18:00

State Standards, Mesh


When selecting wire products, it is necessary to determine the wire diameter, as it is often indicated in the form of gauge numbers in English literature.

There are two standards:

  • AWG — American Wire Gauge — American standard;
  • SWG — Standard Wire Gauge — British standard.

When determining the wire diameter, attention should be paid to this classification.


Diameter, mm


1 7,348 1
2 6,544 3
3 5,827 4
4 5,189 5
5 4,621 7
6 4,115 8
7 3,665 9
8 3,264 10
9 2,906 И
10 2,588 12
11 2,305 13
12 2,053 14
13 1,828 15
14 1,628 16
15 1,45 17
16 1,291 18
17 1,15 18
18 1,024 19
19 0,912 20
20 0,812 21
21 0,723 22
22 0,644 23
23 0,573 24
24 0,511 25
25 0,455 26
26 0,405 27
27 0,361 29
28 0,321 30
29 0,286 31
30 0,255 33
31 0,227 34
32 0,202 36
33 0,18 37
34 0,16 38
35 0,143 38-39
36 0,127 39-40
37 0,113 41
38 0,101 42
39 0,09 43
40 0,08 44

Mesh is the number of holes per 1 linear inch (25.4 mm). When calculating the actual hole size, the diameter (or gauge) must be considered.

The conversion of "mesh" to particle sizes (mm) can be done according to various classifications and sources: BSS, Tyler, US, etc.

Table for converting mesh to microns

Mesh Inch Microns Millimeters
3 0,2650 6730 6,730
4 0,1870 4760 4,760
5 0,1570 4000 4,000
6 0,1320 3360 3,360
7 0,1110 2830 2,830
8 0,0937 2380 2,380
10 0,0787 2000 2,000
12 0,0661 1680 1,680
14 0,0555 1410 1,410
16 0,0469 1190 1,190
18 0,0394 1000 1,000
20 0,0331 841 0,841
25 0,0280 707 0,707
30 0,0232 595 0,595
35 0,0197 500 0,500
40 0,0165 400 0,400
45 0,0138 354 0,354
50 0,0117 297 0,297
60 0,0098 250 0,250
70 0,0083 210 0,210
80 0,0070 177 0,177
100 0,0059 149 0,149
120 0,0049 125 0,125
140 0,0041 105 0,105
170 0,0035 88 0,088
200 0,0029 74 0,074
230 0,0024 63 0,063
270 0,0021 53 0,053
325 0,0017 44 0,044
400 0,0015 37 0,037
625 0,0008 20 0,020
1250 0,0004 10 0,010
2500 0,0002 5 0,005
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